Riverside is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a worldwide denomination, with a strong cooperative spirit. Celebrating the Lord's Supper (communion) is integral to our weekly worship experience, and all are invited to share at the table.
The Riverside Christian Church (RCC) community seeks to provide opportunities for ALL of God's people to become part of a family that values spiritual growth and service to the greater community. People come from all over the Wichita and surrounding areas to meet in the Wichita Riverside area for group worship and small group activities.
In addition to community service activities, there are regular meetings and activities so members can join together and plan new goals for the future. Browse through the website to learn more about our work.
Our Mission
Inviting Everyone to Christ's Table, and to Participation in the Kin-dom of God
Stewardship and Giving
Stewardship is the faithful use of intentionally cultivated gifts that are mission-managed for the Reign of God. Stewardship of our time, talents, and money is an important aspect of our faith journey at Riverside Christian Church. It involves giving back to God a portion of what each and all of us have been blessed with. Through our stewardship, we are, in effect, seeking to build A Bigger Table that is not limited to our church building and the congregation that worships here; so that, from our own abundance, we as a faith community can help serve more of God’s children whom God so loves.
Non-discrimination Statement
Riverside Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Wichita, Kansas, in striving to become a church of welcome and grace as modeled in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, welcomes all into community and will not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, age, physical ability, sexual orientation, political or theological stance, or socioeconomic class.