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Each time I go shopping I see a few people do a very strange thing in the produce department: they squeeze, smell, thump and handle every piece of fruit in the produce area before placing it back in the bin or in their cart. Grapefruits, oranges, lemons and others are given a good squeeze or two before being rejected or chosen. Watermelons and cantaloupes are tapped sharply as they listen for something. They put their noses right up to the rind of these fruits before making a selection. l'm wondering if there is an illness t[ese people have - or a prerequisite for joining a club or winning a prize at the supermarket - like an initiation rite or something!

One of the favorite analogies used to talk about human life in the New Testament used by Jesus, Paul and others, was the topic of fruit and fruit-bearing. The climate of the Middle East is quite like parts of our Southwest - Arizona, parts of California, etc. So, the people of Jesus' time were able to grow a broad assortment of fruit. The Bible repeatedly mentions such fruit as figs, plums, apples, grapes, melons, pomegranates, olives, and pears. When Jesus and his early followers in and around lsrael talked about fruit and fruit-bearing, they were easily understood.

As Jesus told fruit stories, the people listening had no problem making the obvious translation of these teachings - moving from fig trees, or grape vines - to human lives. They knew that Jesus was not offering a course in botany when he spoke about non-productive fruit plants, but he was really concerned that people's lives produce something of value in God's sight.

Our first text for today is from John 15. lt is a whole chapter about the vine and the branches - an analogy of how Jesus is the vine; God is the vine grower; and we are the branches upon which the fruit is produced. This verse reads: "l om the vine; you ore the branches. Those who obide in me ond I in them beor much fruit, becouse opart from me you can do nothing." Later in this chapter, Jesus goes on to explain that he chose us to bear fruit - fruit that will last - and that the Spirit of God will assist us in that fruit bearing.

The last two weeks, we have distributed a Spiritual Gift lnventory. Hopefully by nory you have filled out the spiritual gift inventory and know what your spiritual gifts are! lf not, we will have more of them at the end of the service for you to take home with you today. Spiritual gifts are listed throughout the New Testament. The longest list is in our 2nd scripture reading for today: l Cor. 12:7-11. Listen for these gifts as I read this passage (there may be a test)!

To each is given the manifestotion of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom ond to another the utteronce of knowledge occording to the some Spirit, to another faith by the some Spirit, to onother gifts of heoling by the one Spirit, to onother the working of powerful deeds, to another prophecy, to onother the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to onother the interpretotion of tongues. All these ore octivoted by one ond the some Spirit, who allots to eoch one individuolly just os the Spirit chooses.

What spiritual gifts did you hear mentioned? (wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, deeds, prophecy, discernment, tongues). There are other spiritual gifts listed in Romans t2: faith, ministry, teaching, giving, generosity, leadership, compassion, service, and hospitality.

Today, you will experience an all-new Ministry Fair after church in our Fellowship Hall. The committees and fellowship groups of our church have set up displays for your perusal to describe what they do and how they serve. I encourage you to fully take advantage of their displays to learn more about our church and the ministry and mission of each group! Look at what is happening and how everyone puts our spiritual gifts to good work here in this neighborhood and in our midst. And consider how you might put your own spiritual gifts to use - or develop new spiritua! gifts!

l've asked Phil Alexander, who currently serves as our Congregational Moderator, to bring a bowl forward so that we can demonstrate in a tangible way the fruit of the Spirit among us. Our Moderator coordinates allthe ministries and missions of thechurch. That is why Phil is bringing the giant bowl for today's Spiritual Fruit Salad. He is the collector and container of all that we do! Phil has served in this role for 2 years. Phil is the one who helps us find the structure and the boundaries, through which we offer our fruit to God and to this church. Lee West is our Moderator Elect and will start the role in January. We are looking for a new Moderator Elect. lf you are interested in being the new Moderator Elect, please talk to Lee or to me about sharing your gift of Leadership!

Each of our committee chairs will come up now with a specific fruit representing the spiritual gift or gifts needed for their work and place it in our leadership bowl. After church, you will have the opportunity to eat the spiritual gift fruit salad we make.

The Deacons are bringing apples to our fruit salad. They say, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Our deacons prepare communion each week - what they do is often behind the scenes, but it is integral to our worship service. Just like apples - it is basic, but important. (Deacon representative speaks about the gift of service and deacon responsibilities).

The Trustees are bringing plums for our fruit salad. Have you ever noticed how versatile plums are? They are also hearty. Whether dried into a prune, or eaten as juicy, plums have versatility. Our Trustees are another behind-the-scenes group who function as legal agents of the church when needed and make decisions on behalf of our church as requested. (Trustee representative speaks about the gift of management and Trustee responsibilities)

The Worship & Music Committee is bringing some blueberries to add to our fruit salad. I think blueberries are extra-special. They can stain your teeth, and everyone knows you've been eating them. Leading worship can be like that - you may be hanging banners one moment and running the sound booth the next. You may be singing in the choir or leading the children's message - but it is a joyous and worthwhile endeavorl (Worship & Music representative speaks about gifts needed and responsibilities of that committee).

The Membership Committee is bringing strawberries to add to our spiritual gift fruit salad. Like blueberries, strawberries are fun and delicious - they liven up any meal and they can leave pink spots on your face! The membership committee is also a fun committee on which to serve, because you get to talk to our visitors about what our church has to offer and nurture them into becoming a part of our congregation! (Membership representative speaks about Faith & PR gifts and Membership committee responsibilities).

The Outreach Committee is bringing grapes to add to our spiritual gifts fruit salad. When you have a bunch of grapes, you can't eat just one! When you get started with an outreach project, you get excited aboutthe work, and you get hookedl lt is like having a bunch of grapes in your hand that you want to share with others - the more you have, the more you want to share! (Outreach representative speaks about Giving and Mercy gifts and Outreach committee responsibilities).

Peaches represent the Hospitality Committee. I just received two cases of Colorado peaches, and I don't mind telling you that when I eat one of them, I enjoy that delicious peach juice running down my chin - it is delightful! The hospitality committee shares treats with us on a regular basis and they offer us the gift of service and hospitality by sharing food, washing dishes, planning celebrations, and helping us party! (Hospitality representative speaks about their role and spiritual gifts).

The Elders are bringing cantaloupe to add to our spiritual gift fruit salad. The Elders are the spiritual leaders for our congregation. They visit our shut-in and hospitalized members as well as advising me. cantaloupe may or may not be noticed in a fruit salad - but it is a basic foundation. Such is the role of an Elder - foundational and needed. (Elder representative speaks about their role and spiritual gifts).

The Property Committee is adding bananas to our spiritualgift fruit salad. Like cantaloupe, bananas are not spicy or fun * but they are a basic fruit. Bananas are one of the first fruits we experience as children. The property committee takes care of the basics - our building and property. They manage all the maintenance and up-keep of our facilities. It isn't glorious, but it is critically important. (Property representative speaks about their role and the spiritual gifts of skilled crafts).

The Christian Education Committee is bringing cherries to add to our spiritual gift fruit salad. I think of an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top when I think of Christian Education. Teaching our children and youth is the most precious, sweet, and rewarding work there is! Cherries. (Christian Education rep comes forward to explain their role and the spiritual gifts of teaching, wisdom, and knowledge).

The Personnel Committee is a small, but mighty group. They do exactly what the name implies - deal with personnel policies and our hiring our employees. They are represented by raspberries in our spiritual gift fruit salad. That is not supposed to be funny - but true. Raspberries are delicate pieces of fruit and must be eaten on a timely basis. This is also true of personnel issues - they are delicate and must be managed privately and in a timely manner. (Personnel rep comes forward to explain their role and the spiritual gifts of leadership).

Finally, the Stewardship Committee is coming forward with a dressing for our spiritual gift fruit salad. This dressing is made from lime juice and honey. lt is a light covering to help bring out the flavors and preserve the fruit. Stewardship gives our spiritual gifts the ability to be used in all the ways they are designed. lt costs money to facilitate these projects and this place. We are so grateful for the stewardship of this congregation. Our Stewardship Committee works diligently to put your gifts together and preserve them; use them; budget carefully; and oversee our expenses to best serve the church. (Stewardship rep comes forward to dress the fruit salad).

As your minister; it is my job to encourage you to bear fruit - to share your gifts with God and one another. I know you will enjoy the fruit salad today in Fellowship Hall... and I believe our church and our broader community will be the beneficiaries of the spiritual fruit you share in the coming years because you are connected to God's vine!