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at Hillside Christian Church
Saturday, August 10
$25 Registration Fee (includes 2 workshops, services, lunch, and a tee)

This year’s theme is “We are Disciples, Linked by Love.”

The meeting features two keynote speakers: Rev. Dr. Jay Hartley, Regional Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Arizona, and Rev. Jerry Zehr, who has served as a pastor and leader in Interfaith Ministries for over 30 years.

The annual business meeting and voting/installation of Board members will also take place. Additionally, during the final worship service, the region’s two new Associate Regional Ministers will be installed. You will have the opportunity to meet them, as well as other recently hired regional staff members.


You may select two educational workshops to experience:

  1. Communications Branding - Communications is a critical tool for churches, but they may not be as effective in telling their story as they think. Sam Schaefer of Kansas Christian Home and Travis Smith McKee and Britt DeTienne of the Kansas Region will provide tips and resources congregations can use to develop and deploy more effective communications and branding strategies.
  2. Partnering for Justice - Representatives from Kansas Interfaith Action and DART (Topeka JUMP and Wichita’s Justice Together) will share the work they are doing in partnership with congregations across our state as well as offer opportunities for our churches to join in.
  3. Foster Support - The regional mission team is helping to empower our congregations to help foster families and children experiencing trauma. Rev. Greg Rea will offer a workshop on strategies to help children and how you can be involved at the local level.
  4. Spirituality - Drawing upon teachings and insights from major religions from around the world, Rev. Jerry Zehr explores how commonalities found within these faith traditions can help us create a greater sense of peace and deepen our spirituality.
  5. Caminantes Border Immersion - The Caminantes Border Immersion is a program looking to bring participants to the U.S./Mexico Border to inspire theological imagination and Christian practice of justice. Rev. Dr. Jay Hartley will discuss how this trip aims to bring togetherness in an environment of divisiveness. 