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Time: 6:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Room: Riverside Christian Church Music Room

Date: Usually meets weekly, on Wednesday evenings during the academic year (takes a summer break)

Led by Music Director, Amanda Jolly, this is a ministry group open to those interested in adding their musical gifts to the worship services of Riverside Christian Church.

Handbells and handchimes add warmth and tradition to the worship experience. The group rings approximately once a month and during special services such as Easter and Christmas services. Fun events are planned on occasion.

Have you ever thought about ringing handbells? RCC Ringers has immediate openings for you! Ringing experience is not necessary, however the ability to read music is helpful. If you are interested to join this ministry, please sign up at the annual autumn Ministry Fair or call the church office (316.263.0900) to be connected with Amanda.