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Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Convenient hours for those who need an evening option. If childcare is needed in order to attend, please contact the church office.

Room: Riverside Christian Church Library or in homes

Date: Usually meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday. Off for the busy holiday months of November and December.

Led by Riverside Disciples Women Chair, Sue West who is elected by the Board and works alongside with the Senior Minister, this is a coordinated group open to ALL women of Riverside Christian Church. If you are a woman and a Disciple, you are a Disciple's Woman.

Riverside Disciples Women Joanna Group includes ladies in varied stages of life and backgrounds. Older generations are caring mentors to young mothers and women who are in still in the workforce. This group meets for a Bible study or book study and gathers together for a mission project. Once a quarter, all Riverside Disciples Women groups meet for a General Meeting and a fellowship lunch. Sisterhood relationships are developed in this women's ministry.

If you are interested to join this ministry group, please sign up at the annual autumn Ministry Fair or call the church office (316.263.0900) to be connected with Sue.