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Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Room: Riverside Christian Church Library

Date: Usually meets monthly, on the third Tuesday

Led by retired reporter and photographer, David Dinell, this is a large fellowship group open to the public. The group includes men and women together and friends of Riverside are invited! Honest discussion and humor make this a FUN crowd!

If you are interested to join this fellowship group, please sign up at the annual autumn Ministry Fair or just come by the church for a fun evening!

Current Book
For January, each member is encouraged to read a book of their choice and is asked to tell a little summary about their book at the next meeting on January 21. It should be interesting to see what each person picks! 
What's Next?
For February, The Survivors by Jane Harper

If you're a speed reader or toss the book early on, a reader often has a list of what's next. The group votes for the upcoming book. The group leader checks out books in bulk from the Wichita Library and is loaned for the month when possible. You may choose to purchase a copy on your own. For the new month, a review is included.

A little history! Riverside Readers is 20! 
In June 2024, Riverside Readers celebrated 20 years of reading and discussing all genres of books. The first book read was the historical fiction novel, The Red Tent, based on the Old Testament story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel. At that meeting, there was a Mediterranean meal prepared and shared among the attendees, included were Pat Bunton, Sheila Davis, and Sheila’s friend, Adam.