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Wednesdays - 5:30 p.m.

Covered Dish Dinner and Class In Fellowship Hall

Please bring a covered dish to share. Class begins at 6:15 p.m.

Also offered on Wednesdays are 

  • YOGA at 3:00  p.m.
  • BELL CHOIR at: 6:45 p.m.
  • CHANCEL CHOIR at 7:30 p.m.

The first three study classes (September 11, 18, 25) are open to the ENTIRE CONGREGATION and will be called Legacy Classes. Guest speakers will help us plan for our futures.  Speakers will discuss:

  • future financial strategy and planning future giving legacies
  • planning our future with health care,
  • planning a memorial service and building a file at Riverside so our families will have that important information when the time comes.

Don't miss this Legacy series!

The class will then decide between three choices of book studies or video series for the remainder of the fall:

  1.       God Can't; How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse and Other Evils, by Thomas Oord
  2.       The Righteous Mind; Why Good People are Divided By Politics and Religion, by Jonathan Haidt
  3.       World Religions - based on a video series and Robin's materials with the possibility of speakers from those religious traditions