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Wednesdays - 5:30 p.m.

Covered Dish Dinner and Class In Fellowship Hall

Please bring a covered dish to share. Class begins at 6:00 p.m.

Also offered on Wednesdays are 

  • YOGA at 4:00  p.m.
  • CHANCEL CHOIR at: 6:45 p.m.
  • BELL CHOIR at 7:30 p.m.

Three Legacy Classes classes (September 11, 18, 25) are open to the ENTIRE CONGREGATION.

WEEK 1 : Robin provided knowledge about funeral preplanning to relieve logistic and financial stress upon loved ones

WEEK 2: Christy Dew taught bedside care from a Chaplain's perspective and her own testimony of a harrowing 20 minutes of patient experience

WEEK 3: Kirby Gould will teach leaving your legacy gift to your family, church, and among other ministries you love, and why everyone needs a will


"The testimony of our faith in God is to show up for each other. Time and time again, the scripture recounts Jesus shows up in the difficult moments so that we know we are loved. As a community of faith, we are called to show up for each other." - Trust and Obey!

Chaplain, Christy Dew


The Wednesday Night Live class gets to decide between three choices of book studies or video series for the remainder of the fall:

       1. God Can't; How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse and Other Evils, by Thomas Oord

       2. The Righteous Mind; Why Good People are Divided By Politics and Religion, by Jonathan Haidt

       3. World Religions - based on a video series and Robin's materials with the possibility of speakers from those religious traditions

The Resource links included are the handouts used in the Legacy Classes, as well as contact information to the National Benevolent Association (Disciples Church). NBA is a grateful recipient of Disciples Mission Fund contributions that make their work possible. The links are posted on our website and available in the Narthex. Providing these informational materials doesn't commit you to having the service at Riverside Christian Church, nor are we trying to sell you products. This is for informational purposes only to provide you with the knowledge to make important decisions that can affect your heirs. Storing your arrangements at Riverside Christian Church is a certainty to secure your information. It's like a safe deposit box without fees!

Don't miss this series!