The natural response to believing and belonging is then to become the hands and feet of Jesus in our world. Here are of few of the ongoing opportunities to serve!
Riverside volunteers have been serving since The Lord's Diner started making and serving meals to the homeless and needy of the community since 2002.
The Lord's Diner has a list they send out of what positions are needed.
From seating to serving to doing dishes we help with it all.
At the start of the month we post a sign-up sheet on our Outreach bulletin board by the kitchen.
Volunteers are expected to be at the Lord's Diner from 5-7:30 pm
Family Promise works with local Churches and charities to provide for families in need.
They assist with food, clothes, housing, transportation and much more.
We act as a host site for one week every 3 months. This means we provide rooms for families to stay in, two meals a day, laundry services and transportation to the day house. The day house is where families can shower, do laundry, have computer access and life skills training.
Want to help? Family Promise provides training for the postions need. However, there are things for those who have not been trained. To volunteer contact the church Office Manager or click volunteer sign up list.
Another way you can help is by donating items for our families to use. Such as packaged snack items, hygiene items, baby wipes, flashlights, games, and arts and crafts materials.
Our Summer Science Camp is open to all!
Every day is something new at Science Camp! From Animals to plants, rockets to paper airplanes you never know what we might do next!
During the School Year on Odd Months, we have Science Saturdays. Where Parents and kids can come together and learn!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts put their flying fingers to good work sharing prayer shawls, hats and scarves for the homeless, and baby blankets for the hospitals and Children’s Home. Learn to knit or to make a hat on a simple loom.
Service Projects
Other Ways to Help Outreach
Here are some photos of our church members volunteering.
These photos feature filling Bags of Blessings, volunteering at the Kansas Food Bank and Trunk or Treat.